Transitions are the mechanisms through which a Jira issue progresses from one status to another. Types of Workflow transitions could be:
- Global transitions allow issues to be transitioned from any status to the target status. Workflows that use global transitions are called simplified workflows, and allow for maximum flexibility.

- Common transitions connect two different Jira workflow statuses. Use common transitions when you want to enforce a specific order of operations in your Jira workflow.

For this example , we will use Bugs tickets which workflow is like this:

This type of ticket have a custom field named RFO(Reason for Outage) that should be filled before move the ticket as Done
So that, the objective of this example is to add a rule on the transition from QA to Done, that rule will check that the field RFO should not be empty to move as Done
1- Click on the transition from QA to Done
2- Click on “+” Rules

3- Click on “Restrict to when field is a specific value”, then click on “Select”

4- Select the field “RFO” , the field should not be empty to allow transition to Done, select the options as screen below, then click on “Add”

5- It should be end like this

6- Click on Update and check that it should be applied only for Bugs

To test it , just open a Bug ticket on QA status with RFO field empty

If you try to move the the status Done, it dont show on the list

Once you add a content for RFO you will see available the Status Done as screen below:

That is the way to add rules on transitions, it help us to ensure gather information or set conditions for the workflow of tickets
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