Introduction to Jira Workflow Design

A Workflow is the path that your issues take from creation to completion. Each workflow is composed of a set of statuses and transitions that your issue moves through during its lifecycle and typically represents work processes within your team.

Jira workflows are composed of 3 unique elements:

  1. Status: A status indicates where the issue is within the workflow. Some examples may include: Open, In Progress, In Review, Scheduled, Pending, Waiting, etc.
  2. Transition: A transition represents the action being taken to move an issue from status to status. A transition is a one-way link, so if an issue needs to move back and forth between two statuses, two transitions need to be created.
  3. Resolution: When a task is completed and no longer open, it needs a resolution status. Some examples may include: Closed, Resolved, Shipped, Completed, Done, Finalized, Won’t Do, etc. (This is only available in company-managed projects).

A Jira project for Software Development with Scrum include a default workflow as below:

These are the stages where an issue can take along its lifecycle, the “any” attribute allows to move an issue to this status from any another status.

I’ll take this default workflow as point-to-start and I’ll will be modify it thinking in a workflow for Bug’s tickets

1- The first step is create transitions between the status, dragging and drop from any of these points to the next status it till open the Transition screen.

in the screen above, is creating a transition from TO DO -> IN PROGRESS , define a Name for this transition then click on Create.

3- The next steps is to create the Transition from IN PROGRESS -> DONE

4- The point of the workflow is “force” a task go through the correspond statuses to ensure the quality of the work done, in that way the option “Any” should be removed because we wants the tickets take the whole journey, select every status and and uncheck the option below “Allow issues in any status to move to this one”.

5- At this point, the workflow should appear like this

6- For this example will add another status, before a bug is moved as Done, it should be pass by QA status and verify that the bug is actually solved . On the top of the screen click on the button

Create the new status “QA”

7- Remove the “Any” and place the new status before the status “Done”

8. Create the correspond transitions as below:

9- Click on “Update workflow” , this is a workflow only to Bugs, deselect the others status and Save it .

10- The next step is add the new status in the current board, click on “+” to add it on a new Column

11- Move the new column just before the column Done

12- Drag and drop the status in the new QA column, and Save Changes

then your Board should looks like

Open a ticket “In Progress” and try to change the status , will appear the new “QA” status



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