The title of this article is one of the most famous phrases of Maimonides and is that every day we face making big and small decisions, every apparent insignificant action of our lives are developed based on our decisions, from dawn to dusk, even the position we take when sleeping affects rest during the night and in what physical and mood state we wake up.In all these cases of daily life we are not sure if the decision made was adequate until we see the result, no matter how much experience we may have or how repetitive is the task there are circumstances that can change everything, we cannot take for granted something based on our experience as the scenarios and actors change in each case.

Someones will say that information is the key to make correct decisions, others will say that you have to ask for advice from the most experienced before making an important decision, others even more reckless would say, get carried away by your intuition or listen your heart! I could say that all these options work and not at the same time, this is because no matter how similar the cases or characteristics of the problem are to be solved, there is always something, perhaps tiny at first glance, that can change the whole form of fix it If we are going to need information to make a decision, lets try to understand this information as much as possible, receiving information without processing it is not valid and for me the most important thing is to ensure that they come from credible sources, this is becoming a big problem because we live in The era of over-information, so to say that something is credible, is as relative as predicting the weather.If we receive advice from more experienced people we have to be willing to listen, just hearing is not worth it.
“Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens said “ (Jimmy Hendrix)
Personally I prefer to listen carefully especially when it comes from someone who has traveled the same path several times before me.If we are going to use intuition or the heart then lets try to take into account the previous points. The truth is that we will have to make the decision and be consistent with the results. From my point of view, a problem is easier to solve when it is divided into smaller problems so we can assess the outcome of the decisions we make and analyze whether we are on the right path to solve the main problem Divide et impera.

Do not think about the what if after having made a decision this will make you doubt the decision made and then you will not be satisfied with the result whether it is good or not so good, the what if will be used as another parameter to take in count on the next decision to make.
The decisions are like the branches of a tree, they take different paths so that their leaves receive sunlight but their main objective is to keep the tree alive, in this case the tree is our project and we make the decisions we make, we must do it thinking of keeping the project alive and being consistent with the results, taking these as something very valuable, experience, which in turn will give us something even more valuable, wisdom.
“The wise are those who seek wisdom; fools they think they have already found it“. (Napoleon)

If you expected to find in this article the correct answer to make decisions, I am sorry but it is not so, I am also in it every day. Some will agree with me, others will not, but that is a decision you will have to make.Finally, it is very important to listen to all the participants of the project, the voice of all the actors counts and in the decision taking the team plays a relevant role, each member is different and their different points of view will give you the necessary elements to make a decision is this good or bad, that you will see in the result, but as the title says The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.
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